Monday 16 September 2019

About this blog...

This blog will contain accounts of solo Napoleonic wargames using the Avalon Hill Napoleon's Battles set of miniatures rules, played out in the scenario editors of the Jon Tiller Napoleonic Battles series of games instead of on a table with figures.

I came up with this way of playing after years of owning NBs, but having insufficient time, space and cash to devote to miniatures gaming. The light-bulb moment came while trying Talonsoft's Battleground: Waterloo scenario editor, in which you can move units around any way you like, unrestricted by the game's engine. It occurred to me that since the game and the rules both used the same ground scale, perhaps the editor could serve as a virtual tabletop. Lots of experimenting and trial and no small amount of error showed that it could do a pretty good job of it, albeit with a couple of compromises.

Since then the Battleground series has evolved into John Tiller's Napoleonic Battles series, and Napoleon's Battles has passed from the hands of Avalon Hill and is now in its 4th edition.

My thanks to Javier Gamez of Napoleon's Battles for his support with this project and to John Tiller and his team for kindly allowing their games to be showcased in this...unorthodox...way.

Napoleon's Battles web site

 John Tiller Napoleonic Battles
